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Power Range: 60 - 294 kVA

15-240 kW + redundancy
25-400 kW + redundancy
42-1008 kW + redundancy


  • maximum availability
  • Optimal scalability
  • Unmatched energy density
  • Efficiency >96.6%
  • multiple controls
  • highly flexible
  • advanced communication

The Riello MULTI POWER UPS (MPW and MPX) is a three-phase UPS, with modular architecture, ON LINE Double Conversion, with the possibility of redundant configuration.

It provides power ratings from 15 to 1176 kW VA and is manufactured with specially designed components and transformerless technologies that deliver exceptional efficiency of up to 96.6% and high power density in a small footprint.

Designed to guarantee the continuity and quality of the power supply, the Multi Power Riello UPS range makes energy efficiency, modularity and flexibility of system configuration its strong points: it grows as the demand of the activity increases, without the need to expand the physical volume of the UPS, optimizing both the initial investment and the total cost of ownership.

Ideal to protect:

  • computer applications
  • data center
  • critical loads


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